Festo is a leading global manufacturer of pneumatic and electromechanical systems, components, and controls for process control and factory automation solutions. You can select from their large collection including pneumatic valves, pneumatic and electrical cylinders, and controls.

Air preparation combination units ensure the correct compressed air quality and (filter out) compressor oil, condensate, and dirt particles from the air. Depending on the application, a service unit consists of a pressure regulator, various filters, a branch module (Soft Start) and exhaust valves.
- Filters
- Filter regulator combination units
- Regulators
- Lubricators
- Air dryers
- Shut off and soft-start (Safety) dump valves

Standard off the shelf valves or configurable valves and valve manifolds to suit almost every application. Specialty valves such as our piezo technology opens doors for unique applications. Festo is the only manufacturer with digital pneumatic valves made possible by this technology. Our offering includes:
- In line and stand alone valves
- Mechanically and manually actuated valves
- Shut off and flow control valves
- Pressure and Proportional valves
- Piezo valves
- Process valves
- Valve manifolds, discrete wiring, fieldbus, with centralized and decentralized IO options including IO Link.

Festo offers an innovative range of pneumatic linear and rotary actuators to meet your unique automation requirements. Off the shelf and configurable options include:
- ISO 6431 standard cylinders
- ISO 6432 standard non-repairable cylinders
- Stainless and clean design cylinders
- Compact and multi-mount cylinders
- Flat and non-rotating cylinders
- Clamping modules & Bellows cylinders
- Stopper cylinders
- Rodless cylinders
- Guided cylinders
- Rotary actuators
- NFPA standard cylinders
- Inch series interchangeable non-repairable cylinders

Electric actuators from Festo lead the industrial automation market with innovative and effective solutions for industrial motion control. Electric axes, electric cylinders and slides electric rotary actuators electric stoppers.

Servo motors and servo drives from Festo offer the greatest degree of hardware and software communication and the highest level of efficiency. With the Festo Automation Suite, they can be rapidly and easily commissioned as a full drive system, making them the ideal bridge between your mechanics and control technologies.

The range for pneumatic connection technology includes various connection elements such as fittings, couplings and distributors as well as the matching tubing and pipes. In this way, pneumatic components in factory automation can be easily connected to suitable lines in the overall system.

Simple communication with sensors and actuators is made possible by standardized IO-Link technology (IEC 61131-9). This low-cost, three- or five-conductor connection technology was developed through evolution and is used for point-to-point connections without complex wiring and with minimal material requirements.
- High-performance remote I/O system that flexibly networks 80 modules in real time with a 200 Mbaud data rate
- End-to-end connectivity with extended diagnostics option increases machine availability and productivity
- Simple integration into the controller of your choice: PROFINET, PROFIBUS, EtherCAT, EtherNet/IP, ModbusTCP
- 50 meters between modules
- Festo is the only supplier that can provide decentralized IO and place valve manifolds on the architecture
- One bus interface can control 80 input and or input/output modules and/ or electrical interfaces

Grippers and gripping technology offer solutions for a wide range of handling applications. Grippers modeled according to nature, capable of grasping and handing workpieces of various kinds.
- Pneumatic grippers
- Parallel
- Radial
- Angled
- Two and three fingered
- Short and long stroke
- Electric grippers
- Magnetic grippers
- Bernoulli grippers
- ID an OD grippers
- Adaptive shape grippers

Linear and sliding drives are combined to create ready-to-install Cartesian robots for multidimensional movements. Linear, area and 3-dimensional gantries allow free positioning within the linear range. Designed for the application, you do not pay for excess capacity. Our HGO design tool enables fast configurations allowing the user to optimize their productivity. With coordinated stepper and servo motors, motor controllers and an integrated energy supply concept, a reliable, ready-to-install solution is provided.