McGoff-Bethune, Inc. chose InduSoft HMI software for a new series of extrusion control systems because it enabled the company to build powerful, inexpensive operator stations which can be integrated across a plant-wide network.
InduSoft delivered decisive technological and commercial advantages. Because InduSoft operator interfaces can run on the Windows CE operating system, the McGoff-Bethune workstations are diskless and do not rely on rotating memory. It is a powerful collection of e-automation development tools for Web based integration. Each workstation is able to acquire data directly from the extruder, download recipes from the plant server, and generate production and quality reports for plant management to review over the network.
These operator interfaces help contain costs, improve reliability and have rapid recovery after a restart. When evaluating software for this project, McGoff-Bethune decided that the InduSoft Web Studio delivered a lot of bang for the buck.
More Bang for the Buck
InduSoft delivered decisive technological and commercial advantages. Because InduSoft operator interfaces can run on the Windows CE operating system, the McGoff-Bethune workstations are diskless and do not rely on rotating memory. It is a powerful collection of e-automation development tools for Web based integration. Each workstation is able to acquire data directly from the extruder, download recipes from the plant server, and generate production and quality reports for plant management to review over the network.
These operator interfaces help contain costs, improve reliability and have rapid recovery after a restart. When evaluating software for this project, McGoff-Bethune decided that the InduSoft Web Studio delivered a lot of bang for the buck.
This is a success story from InduSoft.
Tri-Phase Automation is an InduSoft distributor in Wisconsin
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