Indicate the correct cutting position on the film roll without any need for traditional marks.
Automatic rotary roll-fed hot glue labellers for applying complete wrap-around roll-fed paper or plastic labels on glass, plastic and metal containers need a system that indicates the correct cutting position of the film.
The SICK Markless sensor ML20 is a revolutionary solution for roll-fed labelers. Using innovative technology the Markless sensor is able to indicate label cutting positions without using traditional marks with the highest accuracy even at dazzling label speeds of 60.000 containers/hour. The Markless sensor scans continuous the design of the label and finds the exact point where the cutting will begin. Changing label design requires just a simple teaching of the new label design. After the teaching process the Markless sensor will feedback if the teach was successful. The only thing that rest is to push your start button of the machine to start labeling.
Improved appearance and more space for information on the label.
Indicate the correct cutting position on the film roll without any need for traditional marks.
The SICK Markless sensor ML20 is a revolutionary solution for roll-fed labelers. Using innovative technology the Markless sensor is able to indicate label cutting positions without using traditional marks with the highest accuracy even at dazzling label speeds of 60.000 containers/hour. The Markless sensor scans continuous the design of the label and finds the exact point where the cutting will begin. Changing label design requires just a simple teaching of the new label design. After the teaching process the Markless sensor will feedback if the teach was successful. The only thing that rest is to push your start button of the machine to start labeling.
Improved appearance and more space for information on the label.
This is an application from SICK.
Tri-Phase Automation is a SICK distributor in Wisconsin.
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