ZOOTECHNIKA Machinery Ltd. has been serving dairy farms for over 25 years. They produce dairy machinery in order to help farms produce their own milk products and sell directly to consumers.
The machine is equipped with a Vision V350-35-RA22 OPLC. The OPLC measures the temperatures and pressures of the media using the PT100 and analogue inputs- this regulates the temperature using the PID function via an analogue output. The device registers the process values and displays them via online trend and logs it on to an SD card. The main advantages of using the V350 is the small and compact design, a useful HMI, wide range I/O capability and SD memory card functions.
Unitronics Is Used in Milk Pasteurizing Process
ZOOTECHNIKA Machinery Ltd. has been serving dairy farms for over 25 years. They produce dairy machinery in order to help farms produce their own milk products and sell directly to consumers.
Tri-Phase Automation is a distributor of Unitronics products in Wisconsin.
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